Friday 16 April 2010

Character Representation Analysis

Our Cast consisted of all of our group plus two other friends; making six of us in total. As our opening sequence is an action, we split the cast in two, following typical action conventions of Good vs Evil. On the good side, I acted as the Protagonist, along with group member Alex Dimmock and one of our mates who isn't in our group, Oli Gregory. On the bad side, was the guard/agent type characters, played by group members Chris Gill and Daniel Wogan, aswell as a another friend, Danny Goodman. We chose to make good and bad characters as it follows typical Conventions found within action films. We also made sure we had authentic looking costumes to fit with our Genre, I for one had specifiaclly ordered an airsoft tactical/assault vest, simply for the fact it adds effect to the opening, and makes it look more authentic.

1. Luis Mapes - I starred as the protagonist on the 'good side', who's aim was to break into a government styled building, in order to steal information being held by corrupt government agents. My dark, all black costume, shows the fact that I am trying to stay undetected, as the opening is also set at night in dark conditions. The fact I am wearing a tactical bulletproof vest, also shows danger, as there is a chance I may be shot.
The character I play is also very organised, being equipped with all sorts of gadgets aswell as being directed through a headset by a right hand man, this shows he is very knowledgable and knows what he is doing. I am also a skilled FreeRunner, so during the opening I chose to incorporate it in, showing that the character I play is also agile and willing to do anything to escape.

2. Alex Dimmock - Alex plays Luis' right hand man, and is portrayed as a Computer Nerd; who he is able to hack into government CCTV, Passwords and Files, in which he uses to help and direct Luis on his mission. Again, the use of an all black costume, shows that although what he is doing is for a good purpose, it is also illegal, and therefore he wants to remain undetected. The headset and laptop he uses, aswell as his diaglogue, is made to stand out, in order to show a clear link between him and Luis.

3. Oli Gregory - Oli plays a Scout type character, who ends up saving Luis from being killed at the end of the opening. We got him to wear a balaclava and gloves, so every part of his body is covered, the effect we wanted from this was to add suspence by hiding his identity. The fact his weapon of choice is a sniper rifle, also shows he is skilled with firearms.

4. Daniel Wogan - Dan plays the leader of the corrupt government agents, who attempts to kill Luis by shooting him at the end of the opening. We chose him to take the lead role of the government guards, as he fits the role well being the biggest member of our group, he looks the most dominant. To make him look official, as if he did work for the government, we dressed him up in a suit and tie, as that shows he is formal.

5. Chris Gill - Chris plays another security guard who attempts to stop Luis at the lift, he is also the character that takes part in the fight scene and holds the card key to Luis' escape. He wears the same costume as Dan, apart from the jacket and tie, this is to show he isn't as high up in terms of rank and hierarchy. This is why we chose him to take part in the fight scene.

6. Danny Goodman - Danny was an extra we decided to use right at the start to add some suspense to the opening. We made Danny to look like an easy target on purpose in order to show the audience what Luis' character is like, by taking him out within the first few seconds.

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