Tuesday 2 February 2010

Preliminary Task Video

This is the finished video for our Preliminary Task

Evaluation of my preliminary task:

The video above shows our finished preliminary task, which overall worked out how we wanted; however, we did come across some problems along the way which had to be fixed.

The first thing we had to do was make sure the location was free, and seeing as we used parts of the school courtyard and building in school hours, that wasn't always so easy. Which meant we had to film some shots more than once because someone was accidently in the background. Apart from that, most of the shots we filmed were right first time. However, we did have some troubles with continuity and the flow of shots during the editing process. We filmed the shots over two days so we needed to make sure Chris was wearing the same clothes both times, which we did, however it was the teacher Alex, that we realised we had a problem with. Whilst filming in a teachers office, they offered him a tie to wear, which meant all the shots we filmed him in the previous day without one didnt match. This means we had to cut out all the shots we filmed of him wearing the tie so that the continuity flowed. Other problems we had during the post production stage was the flow of shots, we hadn't really done anything like this before, so getting the shots to cut from one another smoothly was hard. We did the best to overcome the slight jumps we had by using transitions such as crossfades.
The soundtrack we chose to follow the storyline, as it goes with the character and shows the fact he is rebelious, as well as the fact it helped cover up the sound of wind for the shots that were filmed outside.
Despite all the problems we came across, we managed to somehow overcome them, either in pre or post production stages. Below is a list of ways in which we can improve our filming and editing for our real task:

Improvement Suggestions
-Some shots we needed to use a tripod, as the camera wasn't always steady
-Use different camera angles/shots/movement
-Use more sophisticated editing software
-Spend longer planning so we know what each shot will look like before its filmed
-Look into props and characters in more detail
-Make sure the location is clear of other people
-Check the shots flow before leaving so re-filming isn't required

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