Tuesday 2 February 2010

Preliminary Task

Before I was allowed to start on my own film opening, along with my group, I was asked to carry out a Preliminary Task, which consisted of filming and editing a 30-60 second clip, of someone walking through a door and saying one or two lines of Dialogue. This is just to test that we know how to use a video camera and are able to use editing software.

We decided to keep the actual concept as simple as possible, and not do anything we didnt have to. So with that in mind we decided we would film it within the school grounds, so we could do it whenever we had a Media Studies lesson or a free study period together. The plan was to film Chris, the Protagonist, as he makes his way through various parts of the school, towards a teachers office, to recieve punishment for something he had done. We drew up a rough Storyboard, explaining the plot and Camera Angles & Shots we was going to use, picture below:

Below you can also see pictures of our Filming Locations:

This picture was taken on the second floor of a school building, and shows the window used where we filmed the opening shot from.

This is of the view seen from at the window, which we used to film the opening with.

The next picture is of the first set of double-doors that Chris walks through to get into the school building.

This picture shows the office door we used from the outside.

And finally, this picture shows the inside of the office, where the clip ends.

Overall, the process was very quick and easy, and only took three lessons to film and edit, however, we did come across a few minor problems along the way, both when filming and also editing. One problem we had when filming was due to a camera shortage; at the time when we had to film our Preliminary Task, other groups within the school were still using the cameras for their work. This meant we had to find a camera of some sort in which to film our video with, fortunatly I had a small camcorder, that I use for my own personal media projects which we used, this did mean the video suffered in quality, but that didnt matter as much as the task was just practise.

During editing, we found that some shots we had filmed didnt flow together as much as we would have liked, and had to use Transitions such as a Crossfade to make it look better. We also found out that due to some shots being filmed outside, we had an annoying muffling sound in the background from the wind, which is why we decided to insert a Soundtrack to cancel out the sound. There was also various shots we couldn't use as it either went against the 180 Degree Rule or because of bad Continuity. These were all found in the office, where we had filmed some parts of the scene with Alex (the teacher) wearing a tie, and some parts where he wasnt, which means we had to scrap all the shots where he was wearing the tie.

Despite these minor set backs, we were still able to produce a 45 second video clip, without having to go back and film any parts again. The next post will contain the video clip showing our Finished Product........